gold-ticket is a online business to business community for automobile wrecking yards
we have been in business since July 4 2002 serving southern California yards.
- 1) online realtime messaging between active companies counterman
- 2) realtime parts request go out to more than 800 live screens
- 3) get quotes in seconds for a parts request with price, warranty payment type and pertaining information while you have the customer in counter or on the phone
- 4) Payment,Past Dues and collection
you can sell COD or extend credit at your discretion
if you Buy or sell COD there is a recourse for a defective or wrong part
if you get the wrong part and you all ready paid for it and have problem with a refund
you can report the transaction to PDUES any time the yard has 10 days to refund or
they become non-compliance and the yard get de-activated for non-compliance
if you extend credit to a company and you have not received payment after 45 days
you can report the company to PDUES and they have 10 day to pay
if you do not get paid they are de-activated and they would need to pay you
before they can use the services from gold-ticket
any yard that gets de-activated for non-compliance need to pay what they owe first and a re-activation fee(100.00) to become in good standing with the community
any yard can report another yard if he is owe there is a false reporting fee(FRF) $20.00
for a any false report
- 5) Dispute Resolution
Any dispute that arises from any report will get handle by our PANEL(9 volunteer yard owners) they look at the issue an give a recommendation
both yards agree to abide by the recommendation before going into panel if they don’t they become non-compliance and get de-activated - 6) yard are allowed to run parts requests and business related messages in the open system
that includes credit check on yards and shops - 7) checks forwarding
if you would rather send your payment thru our office we will forward the check to the other party
they have a choice of picking the check or have us mail it to them